Tag Archives: Driving

When changing lanes or lines for the purpose of speeding up, the one you were previously in will always move faster.

Note: If you remain in your current line or lane, it will always move slower.

If you arrive at work late it is prohibited to complain about the traffic during your commute. You must walk directly to your desk or cubicle with your head down.

Note: When complaining about traffic you are implicitly making excuses for your tardiness, and nobody wants to hear your excuses.

It is a violation to park your vehicle in front of an unknown residence for more than 3 hours.

If the owner of the vehicle requires more time they must notify the residence and obtain verbal approval confirmed with eye contact.

When in the act of crossing the street, if a pedestrian is blockading traffic they are required to expedite their pace.

Pedestrians have the right away but they don’t have the right to move at a snails pace.

In the event that another driver performs a wreckless maneuver in which you are endangered, but nobody is harmed, it is not acceptable to direct obscene gestures if you yourself have previously performed the same wreckless maneuver.

Example: Todd and Sandeep are driving their vehicles side-by-side in separate lanes. Todd reaches for his phone and begins to text his wife, while taking his eyes off the road. Todd’s car begins to swerve into Sandeep’s lane.  Sandeep takes notice and honks his horn to alert Todd. Todd quickly pulls his car back into his lane and avoids the accident. Sandeep in his brief moment of anger pauses and remembers the countless times he has done the same thing. Sandeep keeps driving and does not direct any obscene gestures towards Todd.